3 Sales Techniques That Make Selling Easier


Have you been holding back from your normal sales activities lately?

With all the icky sales techniques out there and so much to worry about in the world right now, it can feel HARD to promote your services can’t it?

This is ESPECIALLY true if you’re a woman that uses Instagram as a business tool - the lines about what to share vs what not to share can feel really blurred and the “shoulds” creep in.

Add to that the fact that so many women have not yet been taught the fundamental biz skills to help them feel secure in the content they post online and what it is there to do.

What always helps me is remembering why I use social media, and I share this in case it helps you too.

For me (and probably for you too) social media is a place where I help other women growing businesses on or offline feel more confident about the way they make sales in their business.

If I stop doing that, my clients do not get to access the sales training, the support and the tools they need to grow.

Try these simple reframes next time you’re getting back into the swing of selling: they are here to help you focus on what your client needs.

3 Sales Techniques That Make Selling Easier. 3 simple selling techniques that make sales feel easier & more natural - Sara Dalrymple

Selling is an essential business skill if you want to grow. Afterall, without sales your business isn't going to survive. 

But what should you do if selling doesn't feel natural to you AT ALL? You practise these 3 simple selling techniques that make selling easier, and feel more natural -  that's what!

1: Be Yourself

Instead of…

using the same tired sales methods as everyone else - that you feel are a little forced and ungenuine, if you're honest.

Do this…

Be the alternative, and create a sales experience that is packed with value and personality. Create a sales strategy that your dream clients and customers will connect with.

2: Take the pressure off

Instead of…

Putting yourself under huge pressure to get the sale every time you talk about your services. And then berating yourself if it doesn't happen.

Do this…

Build in small, regular sales actions that help your clients know what working with you is all about and make you feel good about your selling at the same time. By the way, want an easy way to help you do this? Download my Instagram Stories Cheat Sheet below for 30-days of content promts for Social Media.

3: Create your own unique sales strategy

Instead of…

Choosing to believe you're no good at selling because you don't identify with someone else's version of it 

Do this…

Decide to learn what you need to know in order to bring people into your business your way and do that

Take these three small sales actions and put them into practice today. Commit to doing these for a few weeks and before long, you’ll start to see feel-good enquiries and sales roll in with more ease. 

Sara Dalrymple