7 Reasons Why Selling Feels Hard


Are you scared of selling?

Do you recoil in fear at the thought of ‘going live’ or showing up on your instagram stories?

And let’s not even get started on the whole reels thing… that’s just way too far out of your comfort zone right?!

But I want to let you into a little secret…

by holding yourself back you’re stopping your biz from scaling and growing in the way that it could…

7 Reasons Why Selling Feels Hard & How to Overcome The Hurdles Holding You Back - Sara Dalrymple

Here are 7 reasons I’ve seen people just like you keep themselves playing small with their sales…

& my top tips for overcoming those hurdles…

1. Not Wanting To Look Like a Show-off

You’re worried that when you sell people will think you are saying “look at me”, “I’m better than…” so staying quiet and leaving a link in bio feels like a much safer option. But there’s a middle ground!

CURE: Find the middle ground where saying what you do feels comfortable and not sleazy. Neutrality is where it’s at.

2. Not Wanting To Be Brash

You’ve seen the ‘gurus’ share how they do it and you’re thinking you have to do it exactly like them so you never actually get started cos ‘that ain’t me’.

CURE: Define your own unique selling style, one that fits your uniqueness and personaility. Create your own autonomy over the way clients find you.

3. Fear of Judgment

An oldie but a goodie! The paralysis of worrying what someone might think or say about you so it’s simpler to just stay small and let everyone else get on with it.

CURE: Keep focused on yourself, and don’t divert from the path. As long as you are comfortable give a big **** you to anyone that tells you that you’re doing it wrong.

4. Conditioning

I could go on about this all day but basically, we have some work to do! Most women didn’t grow up learning the tools to go for it: instead you were told not to get too big for your boots, right? It’s time to change the narrative.

Be proud of your offerings and sell with passion everything you truly believe in. You were born to TAKE UP SPACE and create from your soul.

5. Imposter Syndrome

When you don’t feel ready enough, good enough, qualified enough it can be hard to relate, especially when the online business world keeps telling you how “easy” it all is.

CURE: Remember there is no one size fits all when it comes to selling. Start small and flex those baby muscles, you’ll soon be pumping iron with the best of them ;)

6. Sleazy Sales Tactics

When selling is role modeled to be a slippery sleazy tactic rather than an everyday part of promoting your business you can feel like there’s just no point because you’ve seen it done badly so.many.times. Yuck.

CURE: Be your own GOLD standard. Say no to anything that looks or feels sleazy. Keep your integrity front and centre in everything you do. Always.

7. Not Having a Solid Sales Plan

Not having a sure-fire sales strategy leaves you winging it, comparing yourselves to others and doing things on the fly that don’t always land, which means your products and offerings don’t always get the recognition they should.

CURE: Creating a solid mapped-out sales plan ensures you know what you’re promising and delivering at every stage, which makes it super easy for you to promote and even easier for your audience to say YES.

Gahhh! I really want you to start finding more EASE with your sales because lemmie tell you - IT IS A GAME CHANGER.

I hope this post has highlighted a few hurdles that are getting in the way of you creating that ease.

Sara Dalrymple