Common Sales Mistakes And How To Avoid Them


As I peruse Instagram and the online world on general I tend to spot the selling mistakes people are making and ache to tell them - PLEASE do THIS not THAT!

There are some really common sales mistakes that pop up over and over again and listen up soulful business owner, I REALLY don’t want you to be making these sales mistakes - I want your business to be thriving, bringing in the sales you deserve to have.

So I’ve gatherd the five most common sales mistakes I see online and shared the all important fixes too - so you can stop making these mistakes and start getting more traction with sales.

Common Sales Mistakes And How To Avoid Them - Sara Dalrymple | Selling on Instagram

5 Common Sales Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

Don’t make these sales mistakes again…

1 Trying to sell everything all at once 

If all you do on social media is sell sell sell, you will put people off. You’ve got to do a bit of audience growing and nurturing in your markeitng mix too. I often see this happening when someone is trying to sell multiple things at one.


If you have several offers or services that run concurrently, pick one thing at a  time to focus on selling or warming your audience up for. Avoid overwhelming your audience by combining connection content with sales content (and know the difference between the two).

2 Treating your business Instagram account like your personal one 

Too many people create content without intention, which can feel bland, uninspiring and unoriginal - or totally irrelevant to the audience you want to reach and connect with for your business.


Help people understand how they can work with you, and to give them the opportunity to do by getting into a flow of asking for the sale. Here’s the tough love part… if you are on social media for business and you're not using it to generate sales or leads, it's not worth your time. If Instagram isn’t bringing in the sales you want to see at the moment - read this.

3 Not meeting your clients where they are 

So often people sell what they want to sell, rather than what their clients want to  buy or desperately need! You’ve got to meet people where they’re at and address their needs, wants, struggles and frustrations. And spoiler alert - you’ll find selling much easier this way!  


Be conversational, engage with your audience and seek out new connections. Do you know your clients' problems inside out? If not, ask them! Instagram makes this very easy to do and you can use this knowledge to create exactly what your audience is looking for

4 Waiting for the perfect time to sell 

The longer you wait for a time that will never come, the longer it will take to get the results you desire, so wherever you are, the best advice I can give you is just to start! 


It’s time to figure out WHY you’re not actively selling. Don't wait for everything to be perfect. The size of your audience does not matter: if you consistently serve up value and have a clear sales process, people will buy from you. 

5 Not having a specific goal and sales strategy 

Is the goal to generate leads, drive traffic or for your audience to sign up for something? Knowing what you are on Instagram with your business for will help you create the right kind content that connects with your audience.   


Set your goals for Instagram and make sure you have a clear sales strategy that helps you take your audience from just discovered your brand to raving client or customer who’s telling all their friends about you!

Sara Dalrymple